I am thankful for my family. I’m thankful for having a functional family. I love my family. My grandma is funny and gives me life lessons that I will remember for the rest of my life. My uncle is one of my best friends. He likes the same things I do and is very funny. I love my mom and dad with all of my heart. My cousins are funny and good people to hang out with. My sister is my favorite person. She is funny and my little sister. I will be her big brother forever. I will protect her and make her have the best life ever. I honestly don’t know what my life would be without my sister.
I’m also thankful for the things I have. I’m thankful for being in school and getting a education. I’m thankful for having a house to live in and a bed to sleep in a night. I’m thankful for having car to be driven to places. I’m thankful for yes having a phone, tv, and video game console to occupy myself with all the rest of the time I have after school.
Thanksgiving is has more to it than eating. It is about family, gratitude, and being thankful for family, possessions, and your life. I hope that if you are reading this that you find that out. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and god bless.
Good job on your blog lazar it's really thought ful and entertaining.