Friday, November 18, 2016

AoW Blog 1

Why did Hillary Clinton think the the FBI caused her lose?

     The article “Hillary Clinton Blames F.B.I Director for Election Loss” by Amy Chozick of the New York Times explains how Hillary Clinton blamed the FBI and it's director James Comey for her loss in the election. Hillary Clinton blamed the FBI and its director of the loss on Tuesday. She said that days before the election the FBI started its investigation into Hillary Clinton and her private email server again. He launched the investigation 11 days before the election. Springing her back into controversy and she wasn't able to end her campaign on a good note. She also said that the letter James Comey sent clearing her name was the most damaging due to the letter being released two days before Election Day. She said that due to the letter she lost most of the battleground states making so Trump won. This isn't time some blamed their loss on outside interference. Mitt Romney said he lost due to President Obama vowing to give gifts to African-Americans, Hispanics, and young people. John Kerry said that he lost after a videotape of Osama Bin Laden appeared, making people fear about terrorism. Mr. Comey’s letter to Congress went against the FBI tradition of avoiding decisions that affect the outcomes of election. She has been silent since her concession speech. She is probably thinking about how she could win the election.
     “Mrs. Clinton campaign was so confident in her victory that her aides popped open Champagne on the campaign plane early Tuesday.” What do you think this is? A very happy person that is about to become the President of the United States? Or a very braggy woman who caused herself to lose the election. 2 was correct. You see from the start Hillary thought she could win. Everyone thought Hillary would have won. But no she lost fair and square to Donald Trump. Why? Not because of the FBI but because of Hillary Clinton. All her scandals and things she has done have affected the outcome of the election. Her private email server, her wanting to have a no-fly zone over Syria, and her countless lies. This shows that you should never boast. Hillary though she had won the election due to Trump actions but in reality she was boasting for Trump’s victory.
     The author, Amy Chozick’s purpose for making the article as to inform us. She wanted to inform us about Hillary Clinton and she thought about her election loss against Donald Trump. She want us to know that Hillary blames her loss in the election on the FBI director James Comey and why she does.

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