Monday, November 14, 2016

Election Day: Reflection

     Last night was Election Day in America. Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton. On one side was a billionaire with no political experience prior and a huge ego. The other side a lying criminal would had a famous president for a husband. To be completely honest. Neither should have made it past the primaries. Hillary shouldn’t because she should be in jail and plus rigging the Democratic primaries. Trump shouldn’t have made it due to his lack in political experience. But they both past primaries and made it to Election Day. It doesn’t matter who you supported but we can all agree that this was a recipe for disaster. Both have major flaws, and shouldn’t be running for president. 
     Hillary Clinton shouldn't have been able to even touch the primaries let alone the White House. First she is a liar, a criminal, a greedy woman. Also she want to start WW3 and plausibly end the world. First since we mentioned it let’s talk about how she could have kill us all. One was Hillary’s “great” plans were to have a no-fly zone in Syria. As you know Syria is in a civil war and Hillary want to try to stop it. But if she won the presidency and made the no-fly zone happen we would be a big trouble. First she would have broken one of her many “promises” in her campaign. One of those “promises” was to not put a single dollar in the national debt. We will need that for later. Know back to the no-fly zone. If Hillary put the no-fly zone in place she would have started a war with Syria… and Russia. I don’t know if Hillary knows this but Russia wouldn’t hesitate to nuke us in the slightest. Also to have the no-fly zone would cause a war. Putting money in the national debt. Which she said she wouldn't do.
     But Donald Trump isn't good either. Although in my opinion Hillary is worse. Donald Trump is known for many things. One, for being a billionaire. Two, having a massive ego. Trump is also a moron. Bad mouthing pretty much everybody imaginable. He has badmouthed Latinos, Muslims, Women, and much more. He also made a lot of people hate him and think bad of him. Making it so people don't want to vote for him. Also due to him not releasing his tax return makes him a shady person. If Donald doesn't want to release his tax returns then what is he hiding. Making more people not vote for him.
     In conclusion, both Trump and Hillary are bad candidates. But Trump won and if you love him or hate him America is in for a rough four years. 

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